We all know that Poker has already become a very much popular game all around the world. It is one of the best card games for the gamblers. You can play Poker with your friends sitting in your house or can go a casino to try your luck against real gamblers. However, nowadays almost every person has a Smartphone. With the advancement of Android versions, several Poker game apps are now available in the Play Store where you can even play online.
All these games come with high graphics quality and basically, you can have the experience of real life casino. Online poker games not only save time from visiting a casino but also save money. All you need to have a Smartphone or laptop and stable internet connection. Now, one of the best online poker games is the Texas Hold’em Poker and you can easily play it on 12BET.
The poker game is a modified version of the bluffing game known as Pochen. You can play poker with two people and even with a group of more than 5 people. As it is a card game, the standard pack consists of 52 cards along with one or two joker cards. You can use two set cards of contrasting colours to speed up the game.
You can play poker under innumerable forms and if you can understand the values of cards you can call yourself as the king of poker. A poker hand consists of 5 cards in every basic online poker game. There are various combinations of poker hands, according to which you can win a bet. The best option with the highest possible hand is known as the Five of a Kind. If you are playing with a joker, then there is a high chance of getting this hand. If you aren’t playing with joker then you can aim for the Straight flush. For this, you have to land five cards of same suits and also following the sequence. If you aren’t having a hand where the Straight flush is almost impossible, then you can look for Four of a kind or full house.
Coming to the lowest ranked hands, you can have Flush where you have to land five cards of the same suit. Another option is the Straight which is five back to back numbered cards, but with the different suit. There are several other poker hands like; Three of a kind, Two pairs and one pair. The lowest ranked poker hand is known as the No pair which is very much rarer.
Now, it is very important to know the gaming rules while you are dealing with a poker game. In each betting round, you will have three options i.e. fold, raise and call. If you have got a very poor hand you can fold your hand or if you have a very impressive hand then you can raise the bet. 12BET is a very much popular website where you can play poker. It is one of the best betting companies in Asia and also offers a variety of deals and discounts. You will also have fast and supportive customer help from their end.